Spreading Christianity Throughout a Muslim Nation
Why Bangladesh?
- It’s the 8th most populous country, but 94th in size. Comparable to over half the U.S. population squeezed into a country the size of Illinois
- It’s the 4th largest Muslim country at 9.2% of the world’s Muslim population, a higher Muslim population than Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined
- Dhaka, the Capitol, is the world’s most densely populated city; 3x the population of Chicago in 1/10th the size. Yet, the country is predominantly tribal in remote villages
- Dhaka hosts Bishwa Ijtema every January; the world's largest Muslim religious gathering that brings into Dhaka several million more Muslims from 150 countries
- It's only 0.3% Christian, making it a unique mission field ripe for the harvest!
The Bangladesh Christian Church is a tiny island of Christianity in this massive sea of Islam
- Led by Pastor Joseph Baidya and his wife Sushila, the Church is a body of Bengali Christians worshipping mostly in “house churches”
- Like a First Century Christianity movement, they preach in the streets of Dhaka handing out over 10,000 pieces of literature per month
- They travel to remote tribal villages to preach the Gospel where Jesus would otherwise be unknown
- Despite daily threats to their lives, they shine the Light of Christ during Bishwa Ijtema
- Result of their good works rises to the level of U.S Mega-Churches! They add over 100 new Christians every year, and even more since children convert with their parents
Mission 2819 is critical to the Christian effort in Bangladesh
- The Muslim government, under Sharia Law, prohibits Christian missions and activity. They do allow limited Christian efforts from Bengali citizens making the BCC one of the only Christian influences perfectly positioned to reap the harvest of this mission field
- Mission 2819 is America's only officially established avenue to financially support this Christian mission in Bangladesh
- Financial grants from Mission 2819 enables the BCC to purchase Christian materials, including Bibles in Arabic and pamphlet hand outs, train new Christ Warriors, care for exiled Christian children, travel to remove tribal villages to preach the Gospel, and other needs as necessary to #Go2819